Monday, April 12, 2010

Lesson Summary - Chapter 7 - The Holy Ghost

Gospel Principles - Chapter 7 - The Holy Ghost

I don't know about you, but I really like these short lessons that are in the Gospel Principles manual.  I can read them so quickly and feel like I actually accomplished something spiritual.  It's pretty nice.  I don't know if the teachers are such huge fans of it because then they have less material to teach, but as a student, it's the best.  :)  I read this lesson in the short span of time between Sunday School and Relief Society.  Yes, I probably shouldn't do that, but at least I could say I read it! ha!

The Holy Ghost has been such a blessing in my own life.  I remember realizing for the first time that what I was feeling was actually the Holy Ghost.  It was at a youth conference when I was about 14.  I had never felt my heart feel so full, and that was when I first realized that I cry like a baby whenever I feel the Spirit.  :)

I received the Gift of the Holy Ghost when I was eight years old.  I know that is the age of accountability, but I don't think I realized what a blessing it was to have that gift until I was much older.  I do remember a few instances as a child when I would pray to find my beloved stuffed elephant, Lottie, and find it shortly after and knew it was the Spirit, but that was the extent of my relationship with the Holy Ghost.  Receiving the Holy Ghost at such a young age kind of makes you take it for granted.  I don't know what it's like to live without it.

I did have an experience when I was a teenager where I went into a casino in Las Vegas and felt the Spirit immediately leave.  It was bizarre.  I didn't like the feeling at all and have never forgotten it.  It's driven me to strive always to stand in holy places and live so that I can have that guidance with me always.

There were several experiences with the Holy Ghost shared in Relief Society by my fellow sisters'.  I don't think it's my place to share their personal experiences with the world, but I always think it's neat to hear other people's testimonies and perspectives.  Thanks to those who were brave enough to share!

Here's some quotes from the lesson that I really liked:
"As [the spirit children] came to earth, the memory of their heavenly home was taken from them.  But our Father did not shut them away from His influence.  He sent the Holy Ghost to comfort and help and guide all of His spirit children" (31).
I love this quote because it shows what a loving Heavenly Father we have.  He didn't send us here empty handed.  We can have the Holy Ghost--a member of the Godhead--with us always to guide us and bear witness to us of our Father's love and His truth.
"Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient" (Moses 5:11).
This quotes is from Eve.  I really admire Eve, and I think about her perspective a lot.  This is optimism at its finest.  I tell myself all the time that bad things happen so that we can know and recognize the good things.  I try really hard to follow her example of looking on the bright side of life.  I also love this quote because Adam and Eve didn't understand at first why they were cast out, but after they received the Holy Ghost, he explained to them why so that they could understand.  Sometimes things happen in our lives that we don't understand, but through the Holy Ghost, we can gain a better understanding of why.
"When a man has the manifestation from the Holy Ghost, it leaves and indelible impression on his soul, one that is not easily erased.  It is Spirit speaking to spirit, and it comes with convincing force. A manifestation of an angel, or even the Son of God himself, would impress the eye and mind, and eventually become dimmed, but the impressions of the Holy Ghost sink deeper into the soul and are more difficult to erase" (Joseph Fielding Smith, 33).
"Through the Holy Ghost the truth is woven into the very fibre and sinews of the body so that it cannot be forgotten" (Joseph Fielding Smith, 33).  
I can testify that this is truth.  There have been times when the Spirit has been felt so strong in my heart, and I have never forgotten them. When I think of those times, the Spirit comes back and bears witness yet again that what I felt then was right and good.  Sometimes because of the influence of the world, we may forget what we felt at one time.  I've seen it happen to many people, and they fall away.  It really makes me sad because I know, and they know, what they felt at one time.  If they could just somehow get a reminder--a small inkling--of what they once felt, the Spirit would bear witness to them, as it has to me time and time again, that what they felt before was right and true.

That is why Visiting Teaching is so important.  Those sisters who may have forgotten need that reminder, and we have the capacity to help them remember.

I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost's influence in my life.  It's true that sometimes I do take it for granted because I received that gift so long ago, but I have had so many exhilarating experiences to remind me of the blessing it truly is.